Wedding cake-making games
It's interesting:
"I would like to say that I have a lot of admiration for Linda. She met Paul during his ‘colt’ years, and has dealt with most of his flaws. She’s a beautiful lady, and an even more gorgeous bride. I hope Paul realizes just how lucky he is. But I still don’t know how he got her to say yes because all she seems to say now is “No! Paul, no!”"
There are many aspects that come together to make a wedding day special and the wedding cake is one of those aspects. Brides often spend hours deciding what kind of wedding cake they want and how they want it decorated. Start the process early or experiment with some of your ideas by playing wedding cake decorating games online.
Perfect Wedding Cake's Perfect Wedding Cake game takes players through the entire process of baking and decorating their dream cake. Players begin by mixing together the ingredients to make their cake batter then, once the cake is done, they select the flavor of frosting for the outside and add their choice of colored frosting for a border. To complete their design, players then select a design theme from the available options which include white flowers, rings, angels, pink roses, and strawberries with cookies. When finished, players can save their design and send a picture of it to their friends or print a copy for themselves.
Wedding Cake Decorating
Created by, this game makes it easy for players to design the wedding cake of their dreams. Players are given the template of a plain, five-tiered cake and they must select from and arrange the decorations with which they have been provided. Players may add puffs of icing, sprays of flowers, candles, bells and roses to their cake to complete their design. When finished, players have the option of sharing this game with friends by posting the provided code on their website or social networking page.
Stardoll Wedding Cake's Wedding Cake game allows players to have complete control over the design of their dream wedding cake. Players are given a template of a stacked, three-layer cake and they are able to choose whether it is vanilla-, strawberry-, or chocolate-flavored. Players may add icing to their cake and decorate it by choosing from a selection of fruits, flowers, and other items. Using the buttons at the bottom of the game screen players can control the size and orientation of the objects they are adding to the cake. Players may even choose the wedding cake toppers they prefer.
Wedding Cakes Game
Offered by, this wedding-cake-design game allows players to make all the decisions about what they want their dream cake to look like. Players begin by selecting either a stacked or tiered cake then they select the flavor for each layer. After choosing the number of layers and flavor for each one, players may add decorations like fruit, chocolates, ribbon, flower garlands, and more. For inspiration, players may view sample pictures of completed cakes and, when finished, players may view their completed design and print out a copy to keep.
Tags: wedding cake, Wedding Cake, cake Players, cake they, finished players, their cakeSource: