Monday, April 1, 2013

How to make a lesbian marriage work

make a lesbian marriage work

It's interesting:
"Kick things off with a topical wedding-themed icebreaker, as this will show everybody that you've been thinking about the speech right up to the last minute."

Sixty-five percent of committed same-sex couples are lesbians, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's report in 2000. The 2010 report may result in even higher numbers. This means of the 601,209 couples represented, nearly 400,000 are women. These figures suggest that lesbians enjoy married life and have the capacity to make a commitment, the core ingredient of every successful marriage. Just as you wouldn't plant tomatoes and leave them without water and fertilizer, you shouldn't marry and leave the relationship to wither from neglect.


  1. Renew your commitment

    • 1

      Pledge your heart and mind to the woman you love. Renew your vows every year on your anniversary.

    • 2

      Tell her you love her at every opportunity. Always kiss and hug hello, goodbye and goodnight.

    • 3

      Help her in any way you can--emotionally, physically and intellectually. Share ups and downs, chores and expenses.

    Be one and be equal

    • 4

      Your bond is eternal.

      Leave the role-playing to the heterosexual couples. Accept that you became "wife and wife" and take on whatever chores you can physically handle. Together you have the strength of any man.

    • 5

      Practice just "be."

      Abandon any competitiveness between you. Stay on the same side and do not become adversaries.

    • 6

      Be "moms" to your children. Do not apologize for the absence of a father. Recognize that men will play roles in their lives as they grow. Embrace the idea that your children have the honor of having two mothers.

    Set a good example

    • 7

      Give the next generation of lesbians the model of gay marriage that you missed out on. Set a good example for them. Remember that they witnessed your fight for their rights and they look to you for strength.

    • 8

      Trust one another enough to give each other space. Respect each other's way of handling being gay in a straight world. Be aware that some people embrace their homosexuality more than others do.

    • 9

      Teach your children tolerance. Show them appreciate the differences between people. Never forget how it feels on the receiving end of prejudice. Let your tolerance and respect for others influence their view of the world.

    Romance each other

    • 10

      Fill your bedroom with sensuous things.

      Take time for loving or just for cuddling. Create a romantic haven in your bedroom with music, candles, scents and sheer fabrics.

    • 11

      Say the words "respect" and "cherish" to yourselves and each other. Feeling respect toward your partner and cherishing her sets the stage for love, compassion and cooperation and leaves little room for fighting.

    • 12

      Keep the flame burning. See past the physical body and latch on to her soul. Never take her for granted and always give her the best of yourself. Leave each other love notes and flowers.

    • 13

      Relish the depth of your connection.

      Revel in the mystique of lesbianism. Cherish the bonding of your souls, a connection only possible because of your sameness.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Ignore the reputation that lesbians have for jumping blindly from one relationship to the other.

  • Concentrate on the commitment you and your wife made to each other.

  • Remember that women need closeness and caring. Instead of one of you taking the nurturing role and the other accepting passively, find that wonderful place where give and take naturally flow.

  • You fought a rough battle to get to live as a lesbian couple. Don't let anyone, gay or straight, come between you.


Tags: each other, your children, bedroom with, good example, lesbian marriage, lesbian marriage work