Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Instructions for the country western two step dance

Instructions for the country & western two step dance

It's interesting:
"Today, I think we have all learned that there are few things more marvellous than an Autumn wedding, and nothing more beautiful than a Fall bride. It is wonderful occasions like this that provide us all with great memories that we will never, ever forget, and I am incredibly honoured to have been of part of this special day. Also, I want to thank you for getting married at this time of the year, because now, whenever I see the leaves turning colour and falling off the trees, I’ll be reminded that it’s time to buy your anniversary gift."

The country and western two-step is a dance that requires a repeated step sequence to a four beats per bar country tune. The two-step dance consists of two quick steps followed by two slow steps, or vice-versa, depending on regional variations. You can dance the two-step to either up-tempo or slow country and western music. As a beginner, you may want to start with slower music until you master the dance sequence, and then try out your two-step with a faster beat.

Things You'll Need

  • Dance partner
  • Country and western music


    • 1

      Stand face to face with your dance partner and move slightly to the left so that there is room for your feet to move forward without treading on your partner's feet. Keep 12 inches apart so that you have room to adjust your steps to your partner's stride length.

    • 2

      Place your left arm out to your left side and hold your partner's right hand at shoulder level height. Place you right hand just beneath your partner's left shoulder blade. Let your partner hold your right upper arm with her left hand.

    • 3

      Take a forward step with your left foot while your partner takes a backward step with her right foot. Take a forward step with your right foot while your partner takes a backward step with her left foot.

    • 4

      Take a forward step with your left foot, taking twice the time as your previous left foot forward step. Let your partner mirror a backward step with her right foot at the same time as you step forward.

    • 5

      Take a forward step with your right foot while your partner takes a backward step with her left foot, matching the slow pace of the last step.

    • 6

      Repeat the two quick steps followed by the two slow steps sequence to continue the two-step dance. Play a country and western tune once you are proficient with the two-step sequence. Match the dance steps to the drum beat in the song.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Shorten the length of your left foot forward steps to move in a circular direction.


Tags: your partner, step with, left foot, forward step, with your