Thursday, March 7, 2013

Funny wedding response card wording ideas

Funny wedding response card wording ideas

It's interesting:
"Click on a category below. Links to your chosen speeches will appear in the viewer on the right. Speech 6 in the category 'Childhood friend' under the heading ..."

Wedding response cards let the bride and groom know who will be attending the wedding so they can plan the reception. Also known as RSVP or reply cards, they are generally smaller than the invitation and fit inside their own self-addressed, stamped envelope. The card can be simple, with just the guest's name and a place to check yes or no. One word of warning: Send funny response cards only to close friends and family. Others may not appreciate your humor.

  1. Theme Invitations

    • Use the reception site to theme a response card. If it's held in an Italian restaurant, ask how many meatballs will be attending. If the reception is held in an elegant establishment, ask how many guests will be there to completely embarrass the bride's family. Using an equally elegant script on fine paper will extend the joke.


    • The wedding location itself can inspire witty response cards. Give guests to a beach wedding the option of responding by bottle or by passing seagull. If the wedding is planned in a distant city, invite guests to save the airfare and just send an expensive gift. Or ask them to keep the location a secret from the bride's or groom's ex-partners. For a theme-park wedding, simply ask your guests how many plan to use the wedding as an excuse to go on vacation.


    • Use the bride's or groom's professional affiliations as a source of humor. If one is a doctor, set up the response card to look like a prescription sheet complete with unintelligible handwriting. Be sure to provide a translation for the scribbles. If one of the pair is an architect or an engineer, send out small rolled-up blueprints that can be returned in tiny, self-addressed tubes. The guest can be listed as the material needed for a perfect wedding. If one or both work in the culinary arts, ask guests to be the last ingredient in the recipe for a perfect wedding.

    Hobbies and Interests

    • If a particular activity brought the couple together, use this on the card. Theater enthusiasts can ask invitees for a five-star review. Potential guests can check "Yes! 5 stars for attending!" or "No, you'll have to find an understudy." Model the response after a favorite reality TV show by asking if the guest should "make the final round" or be "voted off the island." Fans of "Star Wars" can ask their guest if The Force, and the guest, will be with them or not. Gamers may ask the guest to "Press X" if attending or "Press Y" if sending their regrets.


Tags: response card, bride groom, response cards, card wording, card wording ideas, Funny wedding, Funny wedding response