Marriage requirements in texas for a catholic wedding
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Catholic weddings in Texas need to be within state and church laws. While Texas does not require couples to live in the state before the wedding, a Catholic priest may require both partners be part of the Catholic faith. Knowing the requirements for marriage in the Catholic faith and in the state of Texas will help couples in their wedding planning.
Texas Marriage Requirements
Couples wishing to get married in Texas need to be 18 or older. Texas laws allow people as young as 16 to get married with parental consent. Parental consent must be given on an official form signed in front of a county clerk. The engaged couple must apply for a marriage license from any county clerk in Texas. The license needs to be obtained three days, or 72 hours, before the wedding is performed. The license expires if a wedding does not take place within 30 days. There is a fee for the license that varies by county- Dallas County charges $60. Both the man and the woman will need to have identification and a Social Security number. Valid forms of identification in Texas include a driver's license from any U.S. state, a U.S. passport, a certified copy of a birth certificate or a U.S. military ID card.
Catholic Requirements
Matrimony is one of the seven sacred sacraments in the Catholic faith. A sacramental marriage is different from a legal marriage or even a marriage recognized by the church. All Catholic priests are authorized to perform marriages in Texas. Some of them will be more relaxed with the guidelines that make Catholic marriages a sacrament, while others will advise a couple to adhere to every guideline. It is best for a couple to sit down with their priest or deacon for premarital counseling and to learn of his expectations before performing a marriage ceremony.
Couples from different faiths can marry in the Catholic church. Some churches may require the non-Catholic partner to be baptized, and perhaps confirmed, before the marriage.
Marriage is sacred in the Catholic faith, and should be performed in the church. A Catholic priest is unlikely to preside over an outdoor wedding in a park. Two witnesses are required for a Catholic wedding ceremony.
Free to Marry
One of the requirements for a Catholic wedding is that both the man and the woman are free to marry. If one has been married before, that person may need to get that marriage annulled by the church. Texas laws have a waiting period of 30 days after a divorce is final before a person is free to marry again.
What is Not Required
Texas does not require premarital counseling before marriage. The Catholic priest who is doing the wedding ceremony may require the couple attend a marriage preparation program prior to the marriage. Residency requirements are nonexistent in Texas, making it a popular state for destination weddings. Blood work and medical exams are not required by the state of Texas or the Catholic church.
What is Not Allowed
Cousins cannot marry in the state of Texas. Both the Catholic Church and the state of Texas prohibit same sex marriage.
Tags: Catholic faith, state Texas, Catholic priest, before marriage, before wedding, Catholic weddingSource: