How to: wording for a card wedding invitation reply
It's interesting:
"'I used your site to create my wedding speech. I dropped in lots of clever one- liners and it was a great success. This site gave me everything I needed and more.' ..."
Reply cards are included with wedding invitations for guests to complete and return via mail. Having an approximate number of guests is important information for the wedding planner and caterer, who will ensure there are enough place settings and meals for every guest in attendance.
Reply cards, also known as response cards, can be simple and brief or more detailed and specific. The most important element on the reply card is the date by which a response is requested. A second element that is almost always included is a place where the guest can accept or decline. Detailed response cards might also include the number of people attending and meal choices.
Write a short phrase or polite request. The preposition (by or before) could be included on this line, or with the date.
The favor of a reply is requested by
Kindly respond on or before
Write the date by which the reply is needed, including the month, day and year.
before January 1, 2014
January 1, 2014
by the first of January
Include one line for guests to write their names. Traditionally this has been done with the capital letter "M" and a blank line for guests to complete their title of Mr., Mrs. or Ms., for example. A more modern or informal reply card might substitute the words "Names of Guests" or simply "Names."
M _______________________
Names of Guests _______________________
Include a statement requesting the number of guests who will attend, or two statements for the guests to choose from.
Number of persons ____
____ accepts ____ regrets
____ accepts with pleasure ____ regretfully declines
____ will attend ____ will not attend
List the menu items guests may choose from, if appropriate.
Beef ____ Chicken ____
Review the reply card. Examples of a complete reply card:
The favor of a reply is requested
by January 1, 2014
M _______________________
____ accepts with pleasure ____ regretfully declines
Beef ____ Chicken ____
Kindly respond on or before
January 1, 2014
Names of Guests _______________________
Number of persons ____
Tips &- Warnings
If a meal choice will be included on the reply card, consider offering a vegetarian option.
Tags: reply card, January 2014, ____ accepts, Names Guests, will attendSource: