Monday, August 3, 2009

How to make curved arches over a winding path

make curved arches over a winding path

It's interesting:
"Generally speaking, a good wedding speech should sound as if it has been prepared and rehearsed over a long period before the event but the seemingly ..."

An arched wood trellis is a traditional form positioned over winding walkways with flowering vines growing over the structure. These forms have been made by gardeners for centuries as a means of assisting in the growth habits of certain plants and to add a decorative and useful element to a garden. Creating an arched trellis is not difficult and can easily be accomplished in a single day with the right tools and materials on hand.

Does this Spark an idea?

Things You'll Need

  • Rebar
  • Sledgehammer
  • Willow coppice or branches
  • Loppers
  • Baling wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers


    • 1

      Drive rebar stakes into the ground along the side of the garden path. Use a sledgehammer and drive the stake until only 12 inches remains above ground. Measure 3 feet from the stake and drive a similar stake into the ground. Continue with the number of stakes or the distance or length of your trellis arches.

    • 2

      Return to your first stake. Step across the path at a 90 degree angle. Drive re-bar into the side of the path. Space your rebar every 3 feet and match the number of stakes on each side of the path.

    • 3

      Gather 1/2 to 1 inch thick willow branches that are 16 feet long. Trim off all side twigs and branches. Position two branches with the smaller ends toward the center. The narrow end of one branch should be 2 feet from the thick end of the other branch.

    • 4

      Cut 12 inches of baling wire with wire cutters. Bend the wire around the two branches 3 inches from where the branches start to overlap. Twist the wire until the branches are securely bound together. Press the end of the wire inward toward the branches. Repeat this every 8 inches until you reach the other end of the branches.

    • 5

      Position one branch end against the first stake. Raise the branch 2 inches above the soil as contact with soil may cause the willow to sprout or rot. Cut two pieces of wire and wire the branch to the rebar in two spots.

    • 6

      Bend the willow over the path and attach the end to the first rebar on the other side of the path. Attach it with two wires in the same manner you did the other side. Continue building your trellis for each pair of rebar stakes.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Further strengthen your trellis by positioning horizontal branches woven in and out of each arch and wired crisscross from the arch to the side branch. This can create an enclosure effect.


Tags: over winding, side path, your trellis, arches over, arches over winding, branch inches