Friday, December 7, 2012

Thank you wedding etiquette

Thank you wedding etiquette

It's interesting:
"Kick things off with a topical wedding-themed icebreaker, as this will show everybody that you've been thinking about the speech right up to the last minute."

Throughout the entirety of a wedding, a couple will receive many gifts from all of the people in their lives. Thus, it is important to thank these people in a timely manner. When it comes to wedding gifts, personalized thank you notes that embody the graciousness and generosity with which each gift was given are proper etiquette, and they go a long way in showing people you truly care about their contribution to your new life.

  1. Who Gets Thanked

    • Traditionally, if you thanked someone for a gift at the time you received it, it was unnecessary to send a note. However, in modern times, you should always send a thank you note to make sure that you thanked everyone appropriately. Make sure that the card is addressed to everyone who gave you the gift. Ensure this by saving all of the cards and making a list of who gave exactly what.

    When to Send Thanks

    • Wedding gift thank you notes should be sent within two weeks of the couple's return from their honeymoon. If this is impossible due to the number of gifts, three months is the absolute maximum time limit for courteous thanks. Thanks should be sent for gifts received at a shower within ten days of the party's date. If you received two or more gifts from the same person on different occasions, send a thank you note for each occasion you received a gift.

    What to Say

    • Be sure to include your current return address with each thank you note, so that everyone knows where they can contact you. Mention the specific gift received and how much you and your partner appreciate it. Be enthusiastic but sincere about your thanks. When thanking someone for a monetary gift, remember that it's considered to tacky to mention the exact monetary amount.

    Say It

    • It is never appropriate to send a printed thank you card for a wedding gift. Handwritten notes show true appreciation for the gift and the time that was spent in selecting it. Yet, don't be too cutesy. Even if your wedding colors were yellow and green, it is still most appropriate to write the note in blue or black ink.

    Other Necessary Thanks

    • Make sure to send a thank you note to the people who planned all of the showers and parties that preceded your wedding. Send thank you notes to anyone who helped out during the ceremony, too. Also be sure to thank the hosts of your wedding and anyone who went above and beyond in making your wedding the best that it can possibly be.


Tags: thank note, your wedding, send thank, send thank note, thank notes, gift time