Friday, March 16, 2012

Order of a catholic marriage ceremony

Order of a catholic marriage ceremony

It's interesting:
"The best way to get a wedding reception crowd on side is too say something nice about the bride ... You could also add that it's been a wonderful wedding so far."

Universally considered to be the spiritual bonding of a couple, marriage ceremonies have different aspects that differ greatly depending on the cultural norms. Though varying upon social and culture groups, many weddings have similar components like the exchange of vows. Wedding ceremonies in the Catholic faith have numerous steps that occur in a well-organized order.

  1. Introductory Rites

    • Introductory rites begin with the entrance ceremony in which the assembly stands while an entrance hymn is sung. The wedding party procession occurs here as well. Following the entrance rite is the greeting, penitential rite and singing of the Gloria which begins with "Glory to God in the highest". The last part of the introductory rites is the opening prayer when the priest invites the assembly of guests to pray and offer prayers for the bride and groom.

    Liturgy of the Word

    • Six parts comprise the liturgy of the word beginning with the first reading from the Old Testament. Next is the responsorial psalm that is followed by the second reading. During the gospel acclamation, the assembly stands and the "Alleluia" acclimation verse is usually used. A deacon or the priest proclaims "The Gospel of the Lord" and a homily drawn from Scripture readings.

    Rite of Marriage

    • Next is the rite of marriage which consists of the address and statement of intentions, consent and exchange of vows and blessings and exchange of rings. After the rings are exchanged and the kiss takes place, the rite of marriage is closed by the general intercessions and procession of faith.

    Liturgy of the Eucharist

    • Though other marital ceremonies end after the kiss, a Catholic wedding continues with the liturgy of the Eucharist. Bread and wine representing the body and blood of Jesus are prepared at the altar. The Eucharistic prayer is said along with a memorial acclimation and a great "Amen" sung by the assembly.

    Communion Rite

    • During the communion rite, the Lord's Prayer is said or sung, a nuptial blessing is given and a sign of peace, such as a handshake or a kiss, is exchanged. Following the sign of peace is the breaking of the bread and actual communion procession.

    Concluding Rite

    • The last step in the order of a Catholic wedding ceremony is the concluding rite which begins with the blessing that the priest says over the married couple. The bride and groom are invited to kiss again after the blessing. Once the blessing has concluded, the priest dismisses the assembly of guests and the couple, bridal party, priests and ministers are processed out of the church in a recessional that is often accompanied by a song.


Tags: assembly guests, assembly stands, begins with, bride groom, catholic marriage, catholic marriage ceremony, Catholic wedding