Thursday, March 1, 2012

Inner wedding envelope etiquette

Inner wedding envelope etiquette

It's interesting:
"Linda is an extraordinary woman. Resilient and fun-loving. If anyone had told me Paul would find a woman who loves gourmet cooking, travelling to exotic places and debating the merits of the Arsenal back four as much as him, I wouldn't have believed them. Yet here she is. You two are going to have quite a life together. "

It is said that your invitation will set the tone for your entire wedding. Following proper etiquette on your invitations is important and easier than you may think.

  1. Less Formal

    • Since the inner envelope is not actually being used for mailing, it contains less information. As such, you should address it as if you would hand deliver the invitation, and include only the names.

    Married Couple

    • For a married couple with the same last name, you should address the inner envelope with Mr. and Mrs. Jones if you're following formal traditions, or Bob and Jane if following contemporary styles. The inner envelope should also include the names of children if they are invited. Children are addressed as Master Charles or Miss Amy according to formal traditions, or Charles and Amy if following contemporary styles.

    Single Guests

    • Unmarried guests will appreciate you taking the time to know their date's name if possible. Address the inner envelope as Miss Smith and Charles, or Ann and Charles for contemporary styles.


    • Formally address widowed guests using their married title, Mr. or Mrs., on the inner envelope- using first names on the inside envelope is acceptable for contemporary weddings.

    Its purpose

    • The inner envelope is used to protect the invitation from exposure during the mailing process, and keeps everything together nicely. Your invitation is likely to include additional information such as the response card, a reception card, lodging information and a map.


Tags: inner envelope, contemporary styles, envelope etiquette, following contemporary, following contemporary styles, formal traditions, information such