Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How to determine baby gender when youre pregnant

determine baby gender when you're pregnant

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As soon-to-be moms and dads prepare to welcome their new additions, they often eagerly anticipate finding out the gender of the newest family member. If you are just too excited to wait for the baby to arrive to find out whether it a boy or a girl, you can use one of a number of gender-determination methods. Some of these methods are derived from pregnancy-related legend and simply provide an entertaining diversion, not a definitive answer. As you await the arrival of your baby, try out some of these methods of gender determination as a means of having some fun during that could-be-long nine-month wait- alternatively, use one of the near-perfect medical procedures available to parents at the time of publication.

  1. Baby’-s Heart Rate

    • Before medical advancements allowed for expectant moms and dads to look into the womb, the only indication of the baby’-s health medical professionals could observe was the rhythmic and oh-so-fast heartbeat. The rate of a baby’-s heart has been tied to gender prediction, according to fable and "-old-wives' tales."- According to gender-prediction legend, a fetal heart rate of less than 140 beats per minute indicates that the baby is a boy, while a heart rate of 140 beats per minute or above signals the impending arrival of a girl.

    Carrying Position

    • Every woman carries a baby differently. The manner in which you carry your burgeoning belly bump will depend in large part upon your anatomy- however, some argue that the gender of the baby also plays a part in determining how you hold your pregnancy-related weight. According to tradition, if you are carrying your baby high, you will welcome a little girl, while a woman carrying low will be bringing a little boy into the world.

    Wedding Ring Test

    • One of the most romantic gender-prediction options requires that you remove your wedding ring and let it do the baby sex determination. To perform this test, slip off your wedding ring and suspend it from a string. Hold it over your belly and keep it as steady as possible. As the ring starts to move, as it inevitably will, watch the way it swings. If it swings back and forth in a relatively straight line, a girl is on her way. If it moves in a more circular pattern, a baby boy will soon join your brood.

    Chinese Lunar Calendar

    • The Chinese lunar calendar, a document that dates back hundreds of years and was purportedly unearthed in a tomb in Beijing, may provide some insight on the gender of the baby you are expecting. This document contains a chart that is said to determine the gender of a woman’-s baby will be by using the mother’-s lunar age at the time of conception and the month in which the baby was conceived. To use the document properly, you must first determine your lunar age, which is typically lunar age your age on the English calendar plus two years. Adding to the complication, all individuals age one year on the day after the Chinese new year, meaning an infant born two days before the Chinese new year would technically turn 2, even though technically the child is only 48 hours' old.

      After determining your lunar age, consult the chart for the month in which you conceived to determine whether you will have a girl or boy. Because of the manner in which the lunar calendar is formatted, some use it as a pre-conception tool for planning the gender of their babies as well, though, as with all non-medical methods, this isn’-t a method upon which you should rely.


    • If you seek a reliable determination of your baby’-s gender, a sonogram is relatively reliable and a minimally invasive option. Although the ability for a sonogram technician to determine a baby’-s gender is dependent upon the baby’-s position in the womb, often medical professionals can gather images that reveal the baby’-s sex. As WebMD reports, these gender determinations are correct between 80 and 90 percent of the time, leaving the test imperfect althrough still markedly better than the unscientific options of the past.

    Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling

    • Both amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) procedures provide near-perfect gender determination- however, these procedures are highly invasive. An amniocentesis requires the withdrawal of a sample of amniotic fluid through the insertion of a syringe needle into the amniotic sack. The CVS procedure requires the removal of chorionic villi, projections that extend out of the uterus. Because both of these procedures are invasive and are associated with a very slight increase in the risk of miscarriage -- generally lower than 1 percent -- they are not often recommended for use in gender determination alone, but instead suggested only for women who have other factors that leave them at risk of producing offspring with chromosomal abnormalities.

    Maternal Blood Test

    • Within the last several years, a new, highly accurate and exceptionally costly test has entered the gender determination arena. This test involves drawing blood from the pregnant mother and extracting the infant's DNA, then using this DNA to determine gender. The "-Journal of the American Medical Association"- released a study on this test in 2011 that indicated that the test could be used to determine gender reliably as early as seven weeks into pregnancy with a 95 percent accuracy.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Level three ultrasounds are not performed specifically to determine baby gender- they are performed when a pregnancy problem is suspected and you must specifically ask to learn baby gender.

  • Sometimes, a mother may have to wait until the 26th week of pregnancy or beyond to find out baby gender if the fetus is positioned improperly.

  • The only way to be 100% sure of a baby's gender is to wait until the child's birth. It's not common, but on occasion, the most reliable tests for baby gender - ultrasounds and even amniocentesis - can be wrong about the sex of the baby.

  • Always follow the directions when performing a home test for baby gender. There is a good chance that you'll obtain an inaccurate result if you fail to follow the directions properly.

Source: www.ehow.com

Tags: baby gender, determine baby, baby 8217-s, baby 8217-s, determine gender