thank people for congratulating me on my wedding
It's interesting:
"My first impression of Linda was that she was such a beautiful, witty, charming, clever, friendly and thoughtful person. And when she agreed to marry Paul, it totally proved to me that old adage – opposites really do attract."
When you receive a card or an email congratulating you on your wedding, send a thank-you the same as if they had sent you a gift. If the congratulations are sent by email, you can respond in kind, but if someone mailed a card to you, respond with a handwritten thank-you note. It's ideal to respond to an emailed thank-you within 24 hours and a physical card within two weeks.
Things You'll Need
- Blank thank-you note
- Pen with blue or black ink
Write a greeting. How you greet the person depends upon how close you are with them. Address relatives and friends with words like "hello," "hi" or "dearest," and write their name after it. Business and casual acquaintances should be addressed a little more formally, with the word "dear" or "greetings."
Share your gratitude. Say something to the effect of "Thank you for sending me your congratulations," "Thank you for congratulating me on my marriage to Jim" or "Many thanks to you for sending me good wishes on my upcoming wedding."
Explain what their congratulations mean to you. Tell the recipient how the note made you feel. For example, say, "It makes me feel very blessed to know I have friends like you in my life" or "I was so happy to receive your email since we haven't seen each other in a while." If the congratulations are from a business associate or someone you don't know well, say, "I appreciate you sending me your good wishes."
Compliment the recipient. Share something you like about them, such as "I love how you always make me laugh, even when you are being mushy" or "I cherish the friendship that we've had since grade school." For an acquaintance you aren't close with, tell them something like, "It's very thoughtful of you to take time from your day to write to me."
Repeat your thanks. Writing "Thank you again for sending me your best wishes" or "Once again, thank you so much for the card" reinforces that you really appreciate the gesture they made.
Send your regards. You can write sentiments to the affect of "Please tell your husband that I said hello and thank you as well" or congratulations to them as well on a recent event, such as the birth of a child or a promotion. You can also suggest getting together ("Let's make plans to have lunch after the wedding.") or express your desire to meet them in the future ("I hope to see you at church soon.").
Tips &- Warnings
Check your thank-you for punctuation and spelling errors before you send it.
Spell the recipient's name correctly. It's the first thing they will read when they open the email or card.
Handwritten notes should be neatly written and free from dirt and ink smudges. If your handwriting isn't neat, print the note instead of using cursive writing.
Tags: sending your, close with, congratulating wedding, good wishes, people congratulating, people congratulating weddingSource: