What photographers wear on the job
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Photographers can work in just about any environment, but getting the job done right can depend on what you wear. Appropriate clothing can be just as much a part of your equipment as the camera itself. Where you do your job will determine what you wear. Aim to blend in with the subjects as much as possible.
Sporting Events
Jeans and polo shirts are appropriate, as well as traditional photographer's vests. Comfortable shoes are key, as you will be walking or running constantly.
Slacks and a neat shirt or blouse will help you look professional. A jacket or blazer can work, or a more formal vest.
Cocktail Parties
Country club casual dress is appropriate. Slacks, not khakis. Dress shirt and jacket for men, dressy blouse or sweater for women. Dress shoes for men and women.
Political Events
Slacks, comfortable shoes, shirt or blouse. If the event is a dinner, a jacket is appropriate.
Weddings always call for dressing up. Suit and tie for men, suit or cocktail dress for women. Shoes should be comfortable but dressy.
Tags: photographers wear, shirt blouse, What photographers, What photographers wear, what wearSource: www.ehow.com