Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to become a wicca minister

become a wicca minister

It's interesting:
"It is said that a Fall wedding is a very special one, because at a time when so much of the life around us is changing colors and dying, we gather together for a celebration of life and a brand new beginning. Indeed, today we are very privileged to welcome a new married couple into the world. I hope that every time you celebrate your anniversary, you will always think back to this wonderful Autumn day and remember all the love and warmth that you feel in this room right now."

Despite what many poorly advised books and Internet sites will tell you, the term "Wicca" only applies to people who have been initiated by a legitimate British Traditional coven. Wiccans are clergy--of the Lord and Lady of the Wicca--and may or may not have any interest in serving as legal clergy for the local Pagan community at large.

That being said, the Pagan community always needs more ministers -- people to officiate at life's rites of passage (childblessings, weddings/handfastings, funerals/crossings), visit Pagans in the hospital or in jail, and help mediate community disputes. If you feel called to serve in this capacity, the tips below will help you be the best Pagan clergy you can be.


    • 1

      Get your credentials. The most common service requested of pagan clergy is to be able to legally sign marriage licenses. Check your state's regulations to see who does and does not count as legal clergy. Anyone can officiate at a baptism or a funeral, but only legal clergy (as per each state) can officiate at a wedding, assuming the couple is legally allowed to marry--thatis, until all states pass gay right-to-marry statutes. You also may be denied access to pagan prisoners or hospital patients outside visiting hours without the proper clergy credentials. As of this writing, the Universal Life Church still provides nationally recognized clergy credentials for little to no money.

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      Take classes. While there is no pagan seminary (although pagans are welcome as students at Unitarian Universalist seminaries) that you can attend to learn or hone the skills a minister needs, there are other ways to do so. Many continuing education or adult education programs offer classes in conflict resolution, effective listening and memory enhancement. Any or all of these skills would make you better able to serve as clergy to your fellow pagans.

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      Volunteer. Hospices are almost always desperate for volunteers, and you will likely learn a lot about caring for the dying in very little time. You are also likely to pick up useful clergy skills volunteering at your local homeless shelter, battered women's shelter and animal shelter.

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      Tend to your own spiritual growth and renewal. A common trap for all clergy to fall into is the tendency to spend so much time and energy on spiritually teaching and caring for others that their own relationship to the gods is ignored. This is the quickest path to burnout.

      Make it a priority to attend pagan gatherings as just another attendee rather than a workshop presenter or to gather staff. Find a group of Buddhists or Quakers near you and commit to sitting and meditating with them one hour a week- they won't mind. Take a class at the local college on Greek or Celtic or Roman history. Go on a hike, take the family camping, study a new pagan-related skill such as herbalism or astrology.

    • 5

      Become a master at one (or more) forms of divination. When all else fails, let the gods speak through you, and divination is a great way to let them have their say.


Tags: legal clergy, become wicca, become wicca minister, clergy credentials, Pagan community