Friday, February 3, 2012

How to write address wedding envelopes

write & address wedding envelopes

It's interesting:
"Linda is an extraordinary woman. Resilient and fun-loving. If anyone had told me Paul would find a woman who loves gourmet cooking, travelling to exotic places and debating the merits of the Arsenal back four as much as him, I wouldn't have believed them. Yet here she is. You two are going to have quite a life together. "

Addressing wedding envelopes for mailing can be a source of anxiety and frustration if proper etiquette is unknown. Always handwrite wedding invitation envelopes. Write the complete names with titles on the outer mailing envelopes and then the mailing address follows on the next lines. Write only the title of the recipient and the last name on the inner envelope. If children are invited, include their first names on the inner envelope.

Things You'll Need

  • Wedding invitation
  • Outer envelope
  • Inner envelope
  • Pen


    • 1

      Write the title of a single recipient and then the first and last name on the top line of the outer envelope. Write the street address on the second line. Write the city, state and ZIP code on the third line. Address the inner envelope with simply the recipient's title, last name and the words "and Guest."

    • 2

      Address the outer envelope to a married couple by writing both titles and then the husband's first name and then the last name. If the wife has a different last name, write each complete name with title on a separate line. Write the street address on the next line. Write the city, state and ZIP code on the last line. Address the inner envelope with the titles and the last name only. If the couple has different last names, write their titles and last names on two separate lines. If children are invited, write their first names on the last line.

    • 3

      Write the address for same-sex couples or unmarried couples by writing each complete name with titles on separate lines on the outer envelope. Write the street address on the third line and the city and state on the fourth line. Address the inner envelope by writing each name on a separate line with the titles and last names only.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Always include proper titles, especially when addressing envelopes to doctors, judges and clergy. Write the titles out on the outer envelope and abbreviate them with the last name only on the inner envelope.


Tags: last name, inner envelope, line Write, outer envelope, with titles, Address inner