Monday, February 27, 2012

How to change your name after marriage in kentucky

change your name after marriage in kentucky

It's interesting:
"Humorous wedding observations ... Traditional outfits * Scottish dress * Marquee * Wedding venue (golf club, castle, barn, posh) * Wedding location ..."

After the wedding is over, you may be ready to rest and relax. Unfortunately, a lot of paperwork still lies ahead of you. Knowing change your name after marriage in Kentucky will help you get a head start on all the business that comes with being a newly married bride.

Things You'll Need

  • Signed marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate/Proof of U.S. citizenship
  • Driver's license/Proof of identity
  • Two documents bearing your name and address


    • 1

      Receive the signed marriage certificate from the Officiant following the ceremony. Make sure all signatures are clearly visible on the document.

    • 2

      Visit the Social Security office online or in person. In Kentucky, the Social Security office is located in your city or county courthouse.

    • 3

      Fill out the SS-5 form to begin a legal name change. To complete the form, you need to include a copy of your marriage certificate, birth certificate or proof of U.S. citizenship and current proof of identity, such as your driver's license. The Social Security office notifies the Internal Revenue Service of your name change and eliminates one of your steps.

    • 4

      Mail your Social Security name change application or go to the courthouse in person to deliver the paperwork. The waiting period for a name change is three business days.

    • 5

      Visit your local driver's licensing office. In most cases, you will go to your circuit clerk's office or county courthouse to obtain a new driver's license. Take your old driver's license, signed marriage certificate and two documents to show proof of residency. Any bill, paycheck or related official document serves as proof of address. Pay a $20 fee.

    • 6

      Notify your employer, landlord or mortgage company, utility companies, doctors, insurance companies and credit card providers of your name change. Voter registration and vehicle title and registration also may need updating. These notifications may be made by telephone. However, some companies may require a photocopy or certified copy of the marriage certificate.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Common-law and same-sex marriages are not legal in the state of Kentucky.

  • Once you legally change your name, you need new credit cards and checks to complete financial transactions.


Tags: your name, marriage certificate, name change, change your, change your name, Social Security, after marriage