Thursday, February 25, 2010

About hemp necklaces

About hemp necklaces

It's interesting:
"Charles Dickens said a measure of a woman’s love for her man was the lengths to which she was prepared to go to make him happy. If this holds true, then Linda, you have reached that goal, for Paul is the happiest I have ever seen him."

Hemp necklaces are a fashion trend that never seems to die. From their popularity in the 1960s with the hippies, to today's most respected fashion gurus, the hemp necklaces provide style and beauty at a price everyone can afford. They are also a subject of controversy due to the origin of the plant and its association with marijuana. Despite all of this, there are many who adore it, helping to make it a fashion comeback.

Does this Spark an idea?

  1. History

    • Hemp necklaces and accessories are actually a combination of two age-old traditions. The first is the hemp plant, from which the fibers for the necklaces are derived. That plant is cannabis sativa, and it has been cultivated for the last 12,000 years. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were famous for growing it and using it as a source of paper. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were actually drafted on hemp paper. The second tradition from which hemp necklaces are made is macrame, a style of patterns made from rope and twine twisted into various types of knots. This was made popular in the 13th century by sailors who used macrame as a way of producing the ropes and lines for their boats.


    • Hemp necklaces and accessories are made by using various macrame patterns. The color of the necklace can be subtle and neutral, or the hemp fibers can be dyed in colors that are reflective of the spring and summer seasons. The necklaces come in various designs depending on the pattern of knots that are used, and often people will add shells, stones or beads to make their necklace more colorful.


    • The hemp necklaces are made or bought to be worn for many reasons. The most common reason is due to the fact that it is a fashion fad. There are also those who wear hemp necklaces in a show of their concern for the environment. They are stating that the use of natural fibers in clothing and accessories will aid in the movement toward a pollution-free world. Then there are those who wear hemp necklaces strictly for social and political reasons, showing their support for the cultivating and growing of hemp plants.


    • The great thing about hemp necklaces is that they are something both men and women can wear. Whether someone chooses to purchase their necklace or make it themselves, it is an inexpensive means of enhancing their wardrobe. They are easily accessible and can be found in stores that specialize in items for children or in arts and crafts stores. Many people opt to make their own hemp necklace so they can express themselves and their creativity.


    • If you choose to wear a hemp necklace, there may be some people who will associate you with those who smoke marijuana. More often than not, people who grow and use marijuana will wear hemp necklaces to show their support in the leaglization of the drug. Many believe that wearing anything made from hemp makes you a supporter of marijuana because the cannabis plant that produces hemp fibers also can be used in growing marijuana. You also must be careful not to wear your hemp necklace in the shower, as over time the moisture will cause the fibers to break down and rot.


    • The use of hemp actually has more benefits than people think. The seeds are used for foods such as soybeans, broccoli and cauliflower. It is also used for body care, paper and fuel. When used in the form of jewelry, it is more cost effective, stronger and more durable, eco-friendly and perfect for anyone who suffers from a skin allergy to metal.


    • Due to the controversy surrounding the use of hemp, it must be clearly stated that it is not illegal in the United States. When it's in the form of sterilized seed, hemp oil, hemp clothing or fabrics and hemp seed oil, there are no laws that can prohibit its growth or cultivation. However, there are strains that produce small amounts of THC (marijuana), which has ultimately given hemp a bad reputation. However, the plants are grown and processed differently, and the leaves used to produce hemp fabric are not the same leaves that produce marijuana.

Tags: hemp necklaces, wear hemp, hemp necklace, wear hemp necklaces, About hemp, About hemp necklaces, also used