Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to obey traditional wedding vows

obey traditional wedding vows

It's interesting:
"Kick things off with a topical wedding-themed icebreaker, as this will show everybody that you've been thinking about the speech right up to the last minute."

Traditional wedding vows explain what a marriage should traditionally include: love, honor, respect and faithfulness. Adhering to the promises that you make in your wedding vows is key to your marriage succeeding because these promises represent the core foundation upon which healthy relationships are built. While keeping to those promises is not always easy--in fact, sometimes it can be quite difficult--it's important to ensure the security of your marriage.


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      Live with your spouse. The very first promise made in a traditional wedding vow is "to live together in marriage." This is both a promise to live together physically and to be together in marriage on an emotional level.

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      Love your spouse. Second in the list of promises made in a traditional wedding vow is to love your spouse. Love is manifested differently in different relationships- there is no single right way to love someone. How you love your husband or wife depends on the particular nature of your relationship, so you should determine what it means for you to love your spouse, and do it.

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      Comfort your spouse. This includes when he or she is happy or sad, angry or content.

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      Honor your spouse. This means that you should respect him or her emotionally and intellectually. This implies that you will be faithful to your spouse, physically and emotionally. Because all relationships are different, there is no right way to demonstrate that respect, but, like with love, you should find manifest that honor and respect in a way that works for you and your relationship.

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      Keep your spouse. This means that you will stick with your spouse, regardless of the situation (for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health). This implies faithfulness.

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      Be faithful to your spouse. Although this is implied in other parts of the vows, it is also stated explicitly in the traditional marriage vows. Faithfulness includes fostering open communication about your feelings and emotions, not engaging in physical or emotional affairs with other people, and respecting your spouse.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Communicate with your spouse. Couples experience relationships uniquely, and so it's important to establish your relationship dynamic and stick to it.

Source: www.ehow.com

Tags: your spouse, traditional wedding, wedding vows, love your, spouse This