Thursday, June 11, 2009

How to calculate wedding reception food amounts

calculate wedding reception food amounts

It's interesting:
"It's a shame, given this is a winter wedding, that the minister wouldn't let Paul and Linda have the pantomime theme wedding they originally wanted. Looking at Paul, I think ‘Puss in Boots’ would have been very appropriate."

Planning the correct amount of food to have on hand at a wedding reception can be a complicated task. No matter how difficult it is to do this, make every attempt to get it right because you want to have enough food to feed all guests. One of the best ways to estimate the amount of food needed is to get a final head count of the number of guests attending the event so you know how many guests to plan to feed.


    • 1

      Provide 5-6 ounces of red meat, chicken and fish per person, if you are only serving one variety of meat. If you are serving multiple types, have 4-6 ounces available for each person.

    • 2

      Prepare one pound of pasta for every 4-6 people if you are having a sit-down dinner. If you are having a buffet style dinner, the same amount will serve 8-10 people.

    • 3

      Prepare one cup of salad per person if you are serving premixed greens. If you make the salad yourself, remember that one head of lettuce feeds approximately five people.

    • 4

      Make enough appetizers for each person to have approximately 10-12 pieces. You will probably be preparing a variety of different appetizers, so make enough of each type to allow for each person to have 3-4 of each piece because you do not want to run out of anything. Remember that some people will eat more of one variety than another.

    • 5

      Provide enough dessert for each person to have one piece, if you are only serving a single variety. If you have multiple options prepare enough for each person to try a small portion of each item.


Tags: each person, each person have, person have, wedding reception, amount food