Monday, March 30, 2009

How to celebrate a 60th wedding anniversary

celebrate a 60th wedding anniversary

It's interesting:
"Congratulatory remarks about the wedding ... Wasn't the wedding ceremony beautiful? That row of handsome men and a parade of gorgeous attendants. And ..."

Sixty years together is not only something to be proud of, but something to commemorate with a celebration. Deciding celebrate it is important. You want the occasion to fit your lifestyle, budget and personality. Keep all of these things in mind, along with your desire to have fun, and your 60th anniversary is sure to the best so far.


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      Decide how much you can afford to spend. The 60th anniversary is often times referred to as the "Diamond" anniversary, but just because it's called that doesn't mean you can afford it.

      If money is no option, consider purchasing each other diamonds. That is a gift that is not only beautiful, but also very meaningful, especially on your 60th anniversary.

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      Assess your style. Are you an active couple? While many people spend their anniversaries jet-setting to the Bahamas, it may not fit your lifestyle. However, a short drive to a cottage in a nearby forest or a day trip to an ocean side city might fit the way you live better.

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      Figure out how much reminiscing you want to do. Anniversaries are often spent thinking about the past and rehashing old memories. Is that something you want? If so, there are many options for you.

      For one, you can renew your vows. Sixty years is a long time, and perhaps you might have different things to say this time around. Renewing your vows and reliving that tradition can make you feel as giddy and as lighthearted as the first special moment. Many people also decide to write their own vows the second time around.

      Renewing your vows can also mean a second honeymoon. Going on a vacation can be a great way to relax and spend time with your loved one, and a most excellent way to commemorate the anniversary.

      You can also retrace your first date. Most of the details may not be the same, but remembering the first time your eyes met can remind you of what in your partner you fell in love with.

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      Decide how big of a deal you want your 60th anniversary celebration to be. Some people go all out, but you can make this event as big or as little of a production as you'd like. Some people throw entire weddings, while others renew the vows in private or with just a few select family members. This is your moment, so organize it in any way you feel comfortable.

      If you're more low-key, think about doing something as simple as spending time with your family. Some people decide to celebrate their anniversary with the people who mean the most to them--children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and other loved ones. A simple dinner at home could be the perfect homage to a life spent together.

Tips &- Warnings

  • If you are planning the anniversary for a couple, include them in the planning process to ensure they will get exactly what they want.


Tags: 60th anniversary, Some people, with your, your 60th, your 60th anniversary