Monday, February 28, 2011

How to make your own spanx

make your own spanx

It's interesting:
"You know, I’ve been to lots of great weddings, but today may have been the best. The small, ornate chapel – the beautiful music – the sincere words that Paul and Linda wrote themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, we all witnessed something very special."

Spanx, the revolutionary underwear that were designed by Sara Blakely promise to minimize love handles, cellulite and the dreaded muffin top. Starting at $25 a pop, they are a rather pricey solution to an embarrassing problem. But with some scissors, and old pantyhose, you can achieve the Spanx effect without paying the Spanx price! (And they work just as well, too!)

Does this Spark an idea?

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Panty hose


    • 1

      Purchase an inexpensive pair of control top pantyhose in your size. Or better yet, if you have an old pair of control tops in your lingerie drawer, that would work, too.

    • 2

      Get a pair of scissors.

    • 3

      Cut off the pantyhose parts just leaving the control top panty intact.

    • 4

      Voila! There you have your self made Spanx that works just as well as the real thing and for pennies less! They'll flatten your tummy, hold in your muffin top and hide panty lines--and you'll have enough money left over to buy yourself at least 10 more control tops!

Tips &- Warnings

  • Be sure to hand wash your fake Spanx to prolong its life and durability.

Source: www.ehow.comTags: control tops, just well, make your, make your spanx, pair control