Monday, October 26, 2009

How to find designer replica lingerie

find designer replica lingerie

It's interesting:
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Authentic designer lingerie can reach some pretty high prices, but designer replica pieces look just as good without emptying your wallet. You get the same great look and save money in the process. You can find these pieces in a variety of places, including neighborhood stores and from online sellers.


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      Check the fit of the lingerie before you buy it. Designers use different sizing measurements so a 34B in one bra may not be the same as another.

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      Pick lingerie based on what you like. You can find everything from panties and bras to corsets and nightgowns.

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      Check with stores that offer replica bathing suits, since many sellers may also carry replica lingerie. You can also look at your favorite clothing stores, as many are beginning to offer lingerie that looks designer without the high cost. Finally, you can check out any outlet malls in your area, where you may find replicas as well as the real thing mixed in.

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      Keep your eyes peeled the next time you're flipping through the channels on your television and stop at one of the shop from home channels. They often have great pieces at discounted prices that look just like the originals.

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      Look at the Lingerie Diva website (see Resources). This is one of the largest online lingerie stores and it features a wide variety of choices, including some that look like designer originals. Hustler Hollywood has both an online store and brick and mortar retail shops (see Resources). You'll find a large number of lingerie pieces there that look designer, but are actually much cheaper.


Tags: designer replica, replica lingerie, that look, designer replica lingerie, find designer, find designer replica