Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wording for wedding announcements invitations

Wording for wedding announcements & invitations

It's interesting:
"On behalf of the bride and groom, I'd like to thank everyone for coming here today. Some of you have travelled considerable distances in order to be here and celebrate Paul and Linda’s happy day. Africa, Continental Europe, the Americas and Asia are not actually places where anyone has travelled from, but I hear that Uncle Jim and Auntie Morag had a 5 hour drive down from Glasgow."

Choosing invitations and wording them appropriately is an important part of wedding planning. Wedding invitations should give your guests all of the information they need to attend the wedding celebration. The way the invitation is worded also indicates the formality of your wedding. To clearly communicate with your wedding guests, use the correct wording on your invitations and announcements.

  1. Formal Wedding

    • To communicate the formality of your wedding, use formal wording. Use such phrases as "request the pleasure of your company." Spell out numbers in dates and times instead of using numerals. Use Mr. and Mrs. when writing the names of parents. Write full names instead of simply first and last. Write "R.S.V.P." to request a response from guests.

    Casual Wedding

    • Casual weddings are often chose by couples who prefer a smaller celebration and a more relaxed dress code. Casual invitations indicate that a party is casual simply by their wording. By using casual phrases and writing numbers in digits instead of spelling them out, you indicate a more casual theme.

    Traditional Wedding

    • Traditional wedding ceremonies are often quite formal, so the invitations should have a formal tone. In addition to including all the necessary information, traditional invitations use traditional wording, such as "the honor of your presence is requested."

    Alternative Wedding

    • Couples with unusual lifestyles or interests that they want to express in their wedding celebration often plan weddings that reflect their individuality. People that enjoy horseback riding sometimes get married on horses. People who like scuba diving sometimes get married at the beach in diving apparel. Invitations for alternative weddings must clearly state what guests should wear and let them know what to expect at the wedding and reception to ensure that all guests are prepared and comfortable.


Tags: your wedding, announcements invitations, formality your, formality your wedding, invitations should, sometimes married