Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to fill out a response card

fill out a response card

It's interesting:
"Wedding days are meant to be unforgettable occasions, and this one certainly will be. The weather held out, the ceremony went without a hitch, and now a ..."

Wedding invitations are usually sent out six weeks prior to the date of the wedding. Enclosed inside the invitations are usually two little cards, one that gives the details of the reception and one that asks for an RSVP. The second one is your response, or reply, card. The bride needs to know far in advance how many people are attending the wedding, so she know how many guests to plan for. It's good etiquette to send the response card in the envelope provided as soon as possible.


    • 1

      Read the invitation, noting who is invited. Children are not invited to the wedding unless the invitation states "and family" on the outside of the envelope. If you are single and the envelope has your name with "and guest" added, you are permitted to bring a date.

    • 2

      Note the date on top of the response card. This indicates last day the bride should receive your RSVP. Mail your reply at least three days before this date to allow the card time to travel in the mail to the bride.

    • 3

      Fill out the response card by filling in your name where the "M" is. The "M" is for the appropriate honorific. For example, a married couple would write "Mr. & Mrs. John Doe" onto the line following the "M." A single person would write "Mr. John Doe" and a single woman could put "Mrs., Miss or Ms." depending on her preference.

    • 4

      Write in the line that asks if you will be attending and indicate the amount of people that will be coming. Style of response cards vary, but usually you either put a check mark indicating you will be attending or declining. If the response card has "will ___ attend" only put "not" if you are not attending, otherwise it should be left blank to indicate you are going to the wedding.

    • 5

      Fill in the line that indicates what you would prefer as an entree, if asked. Some reply cards have a line where the guests can indicate what they want. Put a number next to the entree(s) you wish to have, depending on the amount of people that are attending with you.

Tips &- Warnings

  • If you're not sure if children are invited to the wedding, call the bride or bride's mother and ask.


Tags: response card, amount people, amount people that, fill response, fill response card