Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to write prayers of the faithful

write prayers of the faithful

It's interesting:
"I think you'll all agree that it's been a wonderful wedding so far. ... But I never received a formal invitation to the wedding, so I just hope I haven't eaten a meal ..."

The Catholic Prayer of the Faithful, also called the Universal Prayer, occurs during the Liturgy of the Word. Congregants participate with the priest offering intercessory prayers for the whole church on a global and on a local level and for the salvation of all human beings. (See References 1) Write a Prayer of the Faithful within the context of the readings and of contemporary events. The priest serves as the intercessor between the congregation and God. (See References 2)


    • 1

      Read the day's reading and prayers for the Mass. Incorporate the Gospel reading, for example, into the Prayer of the Faithful. Relate the reading to God's love for all and to the Church's call to Christ-centered living, suggests the Web site Liturgy Office. (See References 3)

    • 2

      Pray before writing the Prayers of the Faithful. Ask God to guide your parish, its ministers and the universal Church in effective and meaningful prayerful.

    • 3

      Cast a wide net to include all people everywhere in prayers of the faithful. Begin with the Pope, all ordained members and ministers. Include temporal leaders, such as presidents and kings. Add people who are preparing for entrance into the Church, families and for those who struggle on the fringes of society.


Tags: Prayer Faithful, prayers faithful, write prayers, write prayers faithful