Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ideas for wedding vows for a 25th anniversary

Ideas for wedding vows for a 25th anniversary

It's interesting:
"Learn connect what's happing in the news to the theme of weddings or marriage, the stereotypical characteristics of a groom, the duties of a best man, ..."

Being married for 25 years is a huge accomplishment and deserves a special anniversary celebration. Rather than simply repeat the same vows you made when you were married, incorporate some aspects of your current life together and what you look forward to in the future as a couple.

  1. Dreams and Goals

    • Reflect on some of the dreams and goals you had when you were first married and how those have played out. Then look at what goals you have for your future. For example, "25 years ago we wanted to travel the world, but now we have come to realize the most important things in life are at home. I never thought we would have kids, but now I realize the love and joy they have brought into our life."

    Defining Moments

    • A lot can happen in 25 years of marriage. Kids, family illnesses, career changes. It is unlikely that you are the same people you were when you were first married. Consider what has happened in the past 25 years that has shaped your life as individuals and as a couple. An example of bringing these defining moments into your anniversary vows would be: "Having to move across the country and leave our family brought us closer together and made us rely on each other."


    • Married life probably hasn't turned out as you thought it would. Maybe the money was a big issue after all. Maybe you grew apart from your family. Tell your spouse how married life has changed you. Think back to what you thought marriage would be like when you were a teenager. "Marriage isn't always fun, but having someone who always has my back and is there for me is irreplaceable."

    Promises for the Future

    • Most wedding vows -- traditional and custom -- include promises. When you first got married, you probably promised fidelity, loyalty and unconditional love. Repeat your original promises to express their importance, or make new ones specific to your current stage in life. "I promise to always love you. You work so hard to provide for our family. I promise to stop nagging and appreciate the sacrifices you make."


Tags: when were, first married, wedding vows, 25th anniversary, Ideas wedding, Ideas wedding vows