Birds that pollinate roses
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"To both sets of parents * To the bride groom * For being chosen as best man. Congratulatory remarks about the wedding. Beautiful bride * Wonderful occasion ..."
Birds are important to the pollination of roses, as they often eat the rose petals or rose hips. As the birds move from one flower to the next, they spread pollen, which pollinates the plants. The birds also consume flower seeds and spread them after they pass through their digestive tracts. Many different types of birds are attracted to roses because of their fragrance and color.
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Cedar Waxwing
The cedar waxwing helps pollinate different rose varieties, as it enjoys eating rose hips and rose petals. This bird grows up to 8 inches long and is gray-brown with a black face. Cedar waxwings live in Canada and the Southern, Central, Northeast and Pacific Northwest regions of the United States.
Northern Cardinal
The Northern cardinal also likes eating rose hips and petals, which helps in pollination and seed dispersal for the plants. Northern cardinals are known for their bright red color. The females, however, are actually tan to brown color with some red on their wings. Northern cardinals also have large, powerful beaks that help them to eat insects and worms in addition to seeds and fruits.
American Robin
The American robin is another common bird that is attracted to roses. This bird is found all over North America during the summer months, but heads south for the winter, like many other migratory birds. Robins are brown to black and have white rings around their eyes. They are likely most known for their bright blue eggs and cheerful song that is heard in the early morning and often at the beginning of spring.
The grosbeak is a type of bird that nests in the United States, but migrates to Central American and Mexico during the cold winter months. These birds have large bills that help them to eat insects, grubs and fruits, in addition to seeds and rose hips. They are typically black and white and can have red chests.
Tags: rose hips, addition seeds, attracted roses, bird that, Birds that, Birds that pollinate, eating rose