Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedding garter games

Wedding garter games

It's interesting:
"Ellen told Keith that by their wedding day she wanted him to have the body of an Olympic swimmer. She was thinking of Michael Phelps, but from ..."

Wedding reception traditions include the tossing of the bride's wedding garter. The groom removes the bride's garter and tosses it into a crowd of single male guests. The garter tossing generally follows the bride's tossing of her bouquet. The origin of the modern garter toss goes back to the days when a wedding couple would offer the garter to witnesses as proof that the couple had consummated their marriage.

  1. Traditional Toss

    • Many couples enjoy the garter toss and feel the tradition needs no changes. The bride sits in a chair. The groom either removes the garter with his hands or dives under the gown to remove it with his teeth. After the groom removes the garter, the single men compete for it. The groom turns his back to the crowd and tosses the garter in the air. The man who catches it may put it on the leg of the woman who catches the bouquet. The pair may share a dance.

    Find Your Bride

    • Line up chairs and have the bride and the bridesmaids sit. Place garters on all of the women. Blindfold the groom and have him find his bride by touching all of the legs.

    Married Toss

    • When the single males on the guest list are teenagers or children, an alternative garter toss involves inviting the married men to the dance floor instead of the single men. The groom still removes the garter and blindly tosses it over his shoulders. The master of ceremonies tells the married man who catches it to go home and put it on his wife.

    Love Quiz

    • If there are only a small number of bachelors vying for the garter, challenge them with a quiz about the couple. Line up the individuals. The first person to raise his hand and answer correctly takes a step toward the bride. The bachelor who reaches her first wins the garter. Sample quiz questions: When did the bride and groom get engaged? What are all of the names of the bridesmaids? Where did the couple meet? How long have the bride and groom been together? Who asked for the phone number first?


Tags: garter toss, removes garter, bride groom, garter games, groom removes