Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to schedule events at a wedding

schedule events at a wedding

It's interesting:
"Linda is an extraordinary woman. Resilient and fun-loving. If anyone had told me Paul would find a woman who loves gourmet cooking, travelling to exotic places and debating the merits of the Arsenal back four as much as him, I wouldn't have believed them. Yet here she is. You two are going to have quite a life together. "

You are engaged -- congratulations! Now comes the fun, although difficult, part of planning the wedding and all the events that go with it. Regardless of the size of the wedding, scheduling the wedding events can be a challenge to ensure that the needs of your guests and your own needs are met. Making a definitive decision about which events you want to plan as well as your preferences related to these events will help to keep the event organized and reduce the stress you may feel about your big day.


    • 1

      Schedule the time and duration of your wedding first. All other events must center around the wedding ceremony itself because it is the main event. Determine what time of day you prefer to have your wedding -- afternoon or evening is customary -- and make the necessary arrangements.

    • 2

      Identify the type of reception you want to have and schedule it 30 minutes to 1 hour after the conclusion of the ceremony. This allows time for travel if the wedding and reception are in two different locations. It also provides time for photos or any necessary setup time the event staff may need. For example, if your wedding ceremony is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. and conclude at 6:00 p.m., schedule your reception for 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.

    • 3

      Plan for dinner or your intended meal to start approximately 30 minutes after the scheduled start of the reception. You will need a slight delay in the start of the meal to allow your guests time to find their seats. The event or catering staff may also need this time to finish last minute details and complete their preparations for meal service.

    • 4

      Coordinate your rehearsal dinner for the day or evening prior to the wedding. Depending on the size of your party, you may need to reserve a private or semi-private room for your dinner. However, depending on the size of the restaurant, it may only require a reservation to seat you in the main dining area.

    • 5

      Determine the best date for your bachelor or bachelorette parties. Some people like to schedule them the night before the wedding. However, to ensure that all wedding party guests arrive on time and have recovered from the party's festivities, consider scheduling these parties one to two months in advance of the wedding.


Tags: your wedding, ensure that, events wedding, schedule events, schedule events wedding, wedding ceremony, wedding events