Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to register as a wedding minister in oregon

register as a wedding minister in oregon

It's interesting:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I shall try to be brief. I do have a habit of rambling with my speeches, so you might feel like you've walked into the Oscar ceremony by ..."

When you decide to become a wedding minister, you are accepting the responsibility of being able to make a marriage official and legal. Being a wedding minister in Oregon means that you can officiate a non-denominational wedding ceremony. You can perform a wedding ceremony in a park, a hotel, golf course or at a home. You do not have to have a religious background to become an ordained wedding minister. You will be asked about performing wedding vows, so it is helpful to be a good writer and public speaker.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet
  • Wedding Vows


  1. Become a Wedding Minister

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      You can get ordained online using the Internet. To register for free as a wedding minister you need to provide basic information such as your name and state of residence. You can become ordained and perform a wedding ceremony in the same day with the Universal Life Church Monastery's website.

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      Check with the Oregon Clerk of the Court for more registration information. The Clerk of the Court in Oregon oversee the registration of civil ordained ministers and marriage licenses.

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      Before you perform a wedding, you must inform the couple to apply for their marriage license with the Oregon Clerk of the Court. The couple will fill out an application for their marriage license. The couple must bring their marriage license to the wedding ceremony. After you have performed their ceremony, the newlyweds and two witnesses- both over the age of eighteen, must sign the marriage license.

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      Brides and Grooms may ask you for wedding vows, if they do not want to write their own. You need to be prepared with wedding vows to read during the wedding ceremony. You can find traditional wedding vows for free on the Internet, however adding a few words of your own about the Bride and Groom specifically can personalize their wedding ceremony. Details like where they met, or when they fell in love can be meaningful. Ask the couple if they would like a few prayers from the bible read or if they want to skip any religious references. Being a wedding minister simply makes you an officiate to perform the ceremony, not a religious figure.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Meet with the Bride and Groom before the wedding, if possible. This will help determine the wedding vows.

  • When you become ordained, order a Ordination Certificate and put it in a frame on your wall.

  • Being ordained means you can perform a wedding. You can not provide marriage counseling consultations, unless you have education in marriage counseling.

Source: www.ehow.com

Tags: wedding ceremony, wedding minister, wedding vows, marriage license, perform wedding, become ordained