Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to get a trophy husband

get a "trophy" husband

It's interesting:
"The happy couple have picked a beautiful sunny day to get married. It’s perhaps a little too hot for me in this suit though, but at least I now know how Chewbacca felt filming those desert scenes."

There are trophies for all kinds of events- even kids who participate in town leagues (sports) get trophies--even when they've never even won a game. Men have been collecting "-trophy"- wives for decades, if not centuries. Women are just as capable, if not moreso, in landing themselves a decent, self-respecting "-trophy"- man to call their own.

Things You'll Need

  • Keep eyes Open
  • Network
  • Don't be Desperate, men sense it a mile away
  • Play hard to get
  • Wait for Sex
  • Criminal/credit background check


    • 1

      What do the "-trophy"- wives all have in common? I will give you a few examples about whom I'm referring: Coco (Ice-T's) wife, Shawn Southwick, (Larry King's wife) and Melania Knauss (The 'Donald's' wife)? Beauty (a must), brains (dubious), and boobs (obviously)! If this is the criteria of a "-trophy"- spouse, I am happy to report that mine has ALL THREE ATTRIBUTES! Though he's not 23 years my junior (fortunately), we keep each other young by laughing all day long (that is, when we're not hating each other).

    • 2

      You might be surprised where you will find your "-trophy"- mate. It could be at a religious function--such as where the likes of one, Ashton Kutcher met one, Demi Moore. Always keep your eyes peeled, however, because you just never know! Be nice, and smile at everyone you meet. Be extra nice to those who don't have a wedding band on (though some men don't wear bands, so you have to be careful). Your trophy could be at Salsa lessons or at Starbucks fetching a white chocolate mocha. BE ALERT!

    • 3

      If you want to hunt a guy down, get with the program and beat him at his own game. Show you can hunt with the best of 'em. Don't be afraid to get out there and claim your prize, ladies, there is a shortage of men. The female-to-male ratio is 2:1. Good for them, bad for those women seeking monogamous relationships.

    • 4

      If you want to reel him in, you might have to get your hip boots on and get a little dirty and wet. Don't be afraid to try new things and be adventurous. Guys dig that. Hanging out with him and his friends only serves to endear you to your new man.

    • 5

      If your guy likes Nascar, sports, comic books, whatever it is, if you have an interest in HIM, you should try to share these interests as well. I am not suggesting you lose yourself to this guy, but initially, you want to HOOK him like the fish you caught last week using the bait. Same principle goes here. Spending time and getting to know one another is key. Don't be quick to get naked, either, ladies. You want to build the "-mystery"- once you land your "-trophy"- guy. Soon enough, he'll be giving YOU the trophy and you will enjoy riding off into the woods on your four wheeler together.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Make yourself invaluable to him

  • Be youself, from the "-get go"-

  • Don't leave your trophy spouse on the shelf, as it will gather dust up there- keep him with you at all times!


Tags: quot-trophy quot-, each other, quot- wives, quot-trophy quot- wives, trophy husband, your quot-trophy