Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to send a marriage invitation

send a marriage invitation

It's interesting:
"You know, I’ve been to lots of great weddings, but today may have been the best. The small, ornate chapel – the beautiful music – the sincere words that Paul and Linda wrote themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, we all witnessed something very special."

Whether you have been planning your wedding since you were 6 or if you're just getting into the plans, invitations are a central aspect of the final event. Make a list of each detail related to sending your wedding invitations. Take into consideration wedding-invitation etiquette as you choose your invitations, make guest lists and mail the invitations. Give attention to timing, guest lists and wording.

Things You'll Need

  • Guest list addresses


    • 1

      Send wedding invitations six weeks in advance of the wedding. Give additional notice in the event of a destination wedding and/or for guests who must make travel plans.

    • 2

      Make multiple guest lists. Put guests you are certain you want to attend on one list, recommends Wedding Paper Divas, a wedding website. Make a list of guests invited to the reception only. List alternate guests to fill in for guests who decline to attend.

    • 3

      Write the first line of your wedding invitation with careful attention, cautions the website, Beaucoup. Place the hosting person or persons at the top of the invitation---traditionally the bride's family. Write, for instance, Mr. And Mrs. Simon Lavore on the first line.

    • 4

      Extend the invitation with the second line. Follow tradition by writing "request the honor of your presence" for a wedding with a worship service, such as a Mass. Or write, "request the honor of your company" for a wedding ceremony without a worship service.

    • 5

      Use etiquette-appropriate wording. Use no punctuation other than after titles, such as Dr. or Mrs., recommends Beaucoup. Spell the year if you choose to include it, and the time. Write out, for example, "Two thousand and ten" and "One o'clock in the afternoon."

    • 6

      Provide the appropriate return address. Place the address of whomever is hosting the wedding in the return address area.


Tags: guest lists, your wedding, first line, have been, honor your, invitation with, Make list