Friday, September 16, 2011

How to write a professional welcome letter

write a professional welcome letter

It's interesting:
"This wedding takes place during a week when the web is all astir over ... 4-Feb-201There's nothing like a wedding around Valentine's Day."

Welcome letters are used to introduce new products and services to existing clients as well as to welcome new investors and employees to a business. The welcome letter establishes a positive relationship between employers, investors, clients and employees. Welcome letters may differ slightly, based on the specific purpose for which they're written. However, a few general guidelines always hold true: The tone should be both professional and engaging. The content should be detailed and to the point. The letter should not exceed one page.

Things You'll Need

  • Word processor
  • Printer
  • Paper


    • 1

      Format the letter properly. Welcome letters are a type of business correspondence. Select an easy-to-read "serif" font like Times New Roman or a plainer "sans serif" Arial. Use black ink and an easy-to-read, 12-point size. Use company letterhead if available. If not, begin by typing the sender's address in the upper left corner of the page. Beneath the sender's address, type the date. The date should include the month, day and year. For example, you may write "March 21, 2011" for the date. Below the date, write the name and address of the recipient. Next, include a salutation followed by a colon. Skip a line, and begin your letter.

      Align each paragraph with the left margin. Leave a full line space between each paragraph and the opening sections of the letter. Single space all paragraphs. The closing of the letter is located one space below the final paragraph and followed by a comma. The first word in the closing should be capitalized. The most appropriate standard closing for business letter is the word "Sincerely." Following the closing, leave space for a signature. Below the signature, type your or the sender's name and business contact information, including a mailing address, email address and phone number. Indicate any enclosures that are to be included with the letter by typing "Enclosures:" followed by a list of all items enclosed with the letter.

    • 2

      Plan the content of each paragraph. Creating an initial outline that lists the major points you want to make in each paragraph is an efficient way to plan the content. Generally, a welcome letter will contain three paragraphs:

      The first will connect with the recipient on a personal level and state the general purpose of the letter.

      Provide specific details in the second paragraph. Describe in this paragraph the sender's new product or provide a synopsis of exactly what will be required of a new investor or employee. Include also a summary of the benefits that the investor or employee can expect as a result of his or her relationship with the company.

      Express gratitude in the final third paragraph for the connection that exists between the sender and the recipient. List here any steps that the recipient needs to take. Tell the recipient what to expect from the company in the immediate future.

    • 3

      Compose and edit the letter. When composing the letter, the sender should be mindful of three key points: Content should be direct and to the point. Be both professional and personally engaging in tone. Do not exceed one page in length.

      When the letter is complete, the sender should save a copy and then complete another task before editing the letter. Allowing some time between writing and editing lends a fresh perspective and reduces the tendency to waste time by automatically correcting errors during writing without having thought things through.

      Edit the letter: Pay attention to grammar, spelling, tone, clarity, content and length. After making any necessarily corrections, the sender is ready to sign and mail the welcome letter.

Tips &- Warnings

  • Companies that wish to establish a more casual tone may modify the traditional business format by changing the alignment of some elements and indenting the paragraphs rather than aligning them all to the left. It is still important to maintain a professional look. Don't overdo it with "busy" formatting.


Tags: welcome letter, each paragraph, Welcome letters, both professional, exceed page, investor employee, professional welcome