Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to sign a reply card for a wedding

sign a reply card for a wedding

It's interesting:
"I know they have both put a tremendous amount of effort in to the planning of this wedding, and can only hope that, apart from this speech, everything has ..."

Couples need a final head count before their wedding, especially if food and alcohol are being made available at the reception. For this reason, many wedding invitations include a reply card for guests to fill out and mail back in. It is important for guests to fill out reply cards correctly and to send them back in a timely manner.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen


    • 1

      Look at the date of the wedding listed on the invitation. Check your schedule as soon as possible to see if you are available.

    • 2

      Write in blue or black pen ink when filling out your reply card.

    • 3

      Locate the "M" that is followed by a blank space on the reply card. If you are a man, write "r" and a period, followed by your full name. If you are a woman, follow it with an "iss" or an "s" period or "rs" period, followed by your full name. Follow this by writing "and" and then the name of the other person invited on the inside envelope. If it says "and guest," write "and guest" after your name.

    • 4

      Check off whether you are attending or not. If the reply card says "number of guests attending," write a number instead of a check mark.

    • 5

      Place the card back into its envelope if it has one. Some reply cards are made like postcards and do not have an envelope.

    • 6

      Make sure there is already a stamp and address listed on the reply card envelope or on the back of the reply card. Place the reply card in the outgoing mail.


Tags: reply card, card wedding, followed your, followed your full, full name, guests fill, period followed