Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to honor catholic wedding traditions

honor catholic wedding traditions

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The Catholic wedding has many traditions associated with it, from the beginning of its mass to its conclusion. There are many elements in honoring a Catholic union, including a formal processional and readings from both the Old and New Testaments.


    • 1

      Begin the traditions with the processional. This is the orderly ascent of the wedding party to the altar. There are variations as to how this proceeds, but it can include the priest and ministers proceeding first, followed by the groom and his parents. Next come the witnesses, bridesmaids and groomsmen, and finally the bride is escorted down the aisle by her father.

    • 2

      Honor tradition in a Catholic wedding by having the priest greet the couple and the audience and deliver an opening prayer.

    • 3

      Continue the traditional Catholic wedding ceremony with a passage from the Old Testament, singing from Psalms and readings from the New Testament. The bride and groom can choose individuals to do the readings, which can be selected by either the honoree or the couple, and a soloist can perform one of the Psalms.

    • 4

      Return to the priest for the next segment of the ceremony. The Priest will honor the bride and groom by reading from the New Testament and then expanding upon what he has read. This is a continuation of the mass that began immediately after the processional.

    • 5

      Participate in the exchanging of vows and rings in the Catholic ceremony. The priest can read the vows and you can respond with the traditional "I do," or you can have the vows memorized and repeat them to one another. Rings are exchanged following the vows.

    • 6

      Honor the traditional kiss. The priest will ask the groom to kiss the bride following the exchange of rings and vows. Following this kiss, the priest will bless the new marriage with a prayer.

    • 7

      Gather the guests and wedding party members together at this point in the ceremony for the traditions of shaking hands and saying, "Peace be with you" to one another.

    • 8

      Participate in communion at the closing of the wedding ceremony. The priest will then give communion to those participating and close the ceremony with "The Lord's Prayer" recited by all.

    • 9

      Conclude the Catholic wedding ceremony with a blessing by the priest and his injunction "You may now go in peace." This signals the end of the mass, and the processional will leave in reverse order, with the bride and groom leaving first.

Tips &- Warnings

  • If there is anything you wish to change in a traditional ceremony, alert the priest in time for him to incorporate the changes.


Tags: bride groom, ceremony with, from Testament, wedding ceremony, Catholic wedding, Catholic wedding ceremony, catholic wedding traditions