Monday, October 25, 2010

The invention of glitter

The invention of glitter

It's interesting:
"You know, I’ve been to lots of great weddings, but today may have been the best. The small, ornate chapel – the beautiful music – the sincere words that Paul and Linda wrote themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, we all witnessed something very special."

Glitter adds sparkle to countless products, including designer cosmetics, clothing fabrics and Christmas ornaments. The world may have never known the dazzle of glitter if a New Jersey cattle rancher had not discovered a mechanical process for glitter production.

  1. Inventor

    • Henry Ruschmann was a cattle rancher who lived on a farm in Bernardsville, New Jersey. Ruschmann dabbled as a machinist. This hobby led to his accidental discovery of a method to create the tiny, colorful fragments that became known as glitter.


    • In 1934, Ruschmann discovered a technique that used a machine to precision cut different colored plastic films to produce large quantities of particles. The resulting, sparkling product was glitter. Ruschmann's invention led him to start a glitter-production business.


    • Ruschmann founded Meadowbrook Inventions. The family owned company, which remains in business, stands on the grounds of the family's still-operating cattle farm. Meadowbrook Inventions is the biggest manufacturer of glitter in the world. The company strives to remain in the forefront of glitter innovation with an ever-expanding list of glitter products, such as glitter-infused plastics and shimmering boat paints.


Tags: cattle rancher, invention glitter, Meadowbrook Inventions