Friday, January 15, 2010

Etiquette for bridal shower thankyou notes

Etiquette for bridal shower thank-you notes

It's interesting:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I shall try to be brief. I do have a habit of rambling with my speeches, so you might feel like you've walked into the Oscar ceremony by ..."

If you've recently had your bridal shower, it's proper etiquette to extend special thanks to your loved ones and family members who attended by sending a note. Following appropriate bridal shower thank-you-note etiquette will keep you in good graces with your shower guests, and will let all your attendees know how much you enjoy your gifts.

  1. Thank-You Notes and Verbal Thanks

    • It is proper etiquette to send a thank-you note to all guests who attended the shower, even if you have extended your thanks in person. Thank-you notes should be addressed by hand--blue or black ink is acceptable. It is not appropriate to ask guests to address their own thank-you notes- this task should be completed after the shower is over, so that each attendant can be thanked after you've seen each of the gifts--this makes for a personalized thank-you note.

    Thank-You Notes and Gifts

    • While all attendees should get a thank-you note from the bride, proper etiquette also suggests sending a note to those who were not able to attend the shower, but sent a gift. As a gesture of sincere appreciation, the bride should also send a thank-you note along with a gift to all of the individuals who hosted the bridal shower for her.

    What to Say Thank You For

    • When preparing a bridal shower thank-you note, the sender of the note should thank attendees for their attendance, as well as the gift. If sending a thank-you note to a close friend or relative, this is also a good time to thank the loved one for their assistance in helping to plan the shower, or for selecting a shower location or decorations that are especially attractive or sentimental. Since it is not proper etiquette to invite individuals to the shower who will not be attending the wedding, it is fitting for the bride to express her anticipation of seeing these guests at her wedding.

    Describing the Gift

    • Bridal shower thank-you notes should include brief descriptions of each gift that was received, as well as the bride's intentions for the gifts. For instance, it is ideal to include phrases like 'I'll think of you each time I decorate my bathroom with the monogrammed towels you purchased for me." Describing the gift in a positive way is also a wonderful way to let guests know that their present selection was appreciated. Using words like "elegant," "stylish" or "beautiful" to elaborate on gifts is usually fitting.

    Sending the Note

    • It is always best to send bridal shower thank-you notes a few days after the event, so that guests will receive the note before the wedding ceremony. If the shower was not co-ed, the bride should send the notes using stationery that includes her maiden name--mailing materials that showcase the bride's married name should be reserved until after the wedding.


Tags: bridal shower, thank-you note, shower thank-you, proper etiquette, shower thank-you notes, bridal shower thank-you