Thursday, July 23, 2009

Confirmation gifts for lutherans

Confirmation gifts for lutherans

It's interesting:
"On behalf of the bride and groom, I'd like to thank everyone for coming here today. Some of you have travelled considerable distances in order to be here and celebrate Paul and Linda’s happy day. Africa, Continental Europe, the Americas and Asia are not actually places where anyone has travelled from, but I hear that Uncle Jim and Auntie Morag had a 5 hour drive down from Glasgow."

Confirmation is a sacred religious rite practiced by numerous factions of the Christian faith, including Roman Catholics and Lutherans. Lutherans confirm children who can recite the Small Catechism by Martin Luther and who are able to answer questions about their faith. For this special time, a gift is a thoughtful way to commemorate the child's confirmation.

  1. Personalize the Gift

    • When choosing a confirmation gift, no single set of rules applies. Instead, you must think about what will mean the most to the person receiving it. Each of us is different- we all enjoy different things. When choosing a gift, think about who you are giving it to and why you are giving that person that particular gift. This means you must personalize the gift. The gift should "fit" the person you are giving it to.

    Gag Gifts

    • If the person receiving confirmation has a sense of humor that you share, then a gag gift can actually mean quite a bit to him or her. The Old Lutheran Gift Shop offers such silly gifts as "confirmints" and a T-shirt with the words "Lutheran Stud" (with a picture of a wooden stud on the shirt) as confirmation gifts. To some, these gifts may almost seem sacrilegious. But remember: The gift should fit the person. A person can have a great, silly sense of humor and still treat the sacrament with extreme reverence. This person might actually take a silly gift to heart- it could mean more than the more traditional gifts cited below.

    Traditional Gifts

    • Traditional gifts, such as crosses and Bibles, are always a good, safe bet for a gift. They have religious significance and are practical in that Bibles can be read and crosses can be worn as a symbol of one's faith. Lutheran gift shops offer a wide selection of traditional gifts. Journey rings are metal rings that are not quite joined in the center. Some come adorned with a dove and a fish---important symbols in the Lutheran religion. A cross necklace can come in silver or gold and can be worn at any occasion. Whatever gift you choose, think about who is getting confirmed and think about what would mean the most to them.


Tags: think about, about what, Confirmation gifts, Confirmation gifts lutherans, gift should, gift should person, gifts lutherans