make your own itinerary template
It's interesting:"On behalf of the bride and groom, I'd like to thank everyone for coming here today. Some of you have travelled considerable distances in order to be here and celebrate Paul and Linda’s happy day. Africa, Continental Europe, the Americas and Asia are not actually places where anyone has travelled from, but I hear that Uncle Jim and Auntie Morag had a 5 hour drive down from Glasgow."
Whether you are planning a family vacation or a business trip, travel itineraries can help you organize your trip details. Before you make an itinerary, it can be helpful if you already have an itinerary template prepared. Do so in a few simple steps.
Open the word processing program you wish to use to make the itinerary template. Create a new document and, when prompted, name the document "Itinerary Template."
Double-click the document's header to place the cursor in the header type space. Click the "Align Text Right" button to align the text to the right side of the header. Type "[Name of Traveler]" and press the "Enter" key. Type "[Name of Trip]" and press the "Enter" key. Type "[Trip Dates]" and press the "Enter" key. These and other phrases surrounded by brackets are placeholders for your itinerary- when you create a real itinerary, they will be replaced with the real details for your trip.
Double-click the body of the document to remove the cursor from the header. Click the "Bold" button to make following text bold. Type "Destination:" and press the "Enter" key three times. Type "Transportation:" and press the "Enter" key three times. Type "Accommodations:" and press the "Enter" key three times. Beneath these subheadings, place the name, address and contact information, as well as any important information--such as flight times, flight numbers and hotel room numbers for the airlines, car companies, hotels and destinations--for each specific trip when you prepare its itinerary.
Type "Day 1 [dd/mm/yy]" and press the "Enter" key. Click the "Insert" tab and select the "Table" option. Set the number of columns for your table to "2" and the number of rows to "16." Set the initial column width to "1 inch" and click the "OK" button to create the table (if your word processor does not allow you to set the initial column, leave the column width at its default setting). Click the right edge of the table and drag the table to the document's right margin.
Place your cursor in the first cell of the table (first column, first row). Type "6:00 AM" in the cell. Place your cursor in the third cell of the table (first column, second row) and type "7:00 AM." Continue to fill the cells in the first column with times until the first column is filled (the last row should have "9:00 PM" in it). Since this is a template, it is prepared for a 16-hour day lasting from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Add or remove rows to the table or adjust the times represented in the table as necessary for your specific needs. The second column of the table will be used to provide information about the activities, destinations and general plans for the trip at the time designated by the first column.
Place the cursor beneath the table and repeat Steps 4 and 5, replacing "Day 1 [dd/mm/yy]" with "Day 2 [dd/mm/yy]." Then repeat the steps, replacing "Day 2 [dd/mm/yy]" with "Day 3 [dd/mm/yy]." Continue to create tables until you have seven. For an itinerary template, one week's worth of time tables will suffice. When you create your actual itinerary, add or delete tables to fit the trip's specific needs.
Click the "File" tab and select the "Save" option to save the itinerary template.
Tags: press Enter, first column, Enter three, Enter three times, itinerary template, itinerary templateSource: