Monday, December 23, 2013

What is a wedding sand ceremony

What is a wedding sand ceremony?

It's interesting:
"They say that a wedding is a sapling that grows into a mighty tree called marriage . Well ... In a way, the jubilation of today's wedding reminds me of the recent ...""

A wedding sand ceremony is known as the unity sand ceremony. It is an old tradition, used by Hawaiians and some Native American tribes. The wedding sand ceremony is becoming a widely used in weddings to replace the traditional candle ceremony in Christian marriages.

  1. Origins

    • There is speculation that the wedding sand ceremony came from Hawaiians or Native Americans. The speculation comes from the thought that these cultural groups married on beaches instead of churches.


    • The unity sand ceremony is a quick and simple process that involves the groom and the bride pouring sand into a vase. As the bride and groom pour each vial of sand into the vase, wedding vows are spoken to each other.


    • The wedding sand ceremony symbolizes the unity of 2 lives joining together. Some couples choose to keep a little sand in the vials to represent the fact that they are still individuals.


    • There are different variations to the wedding sand ceremony. You can choose to incorporate your parents and friends. You may even want to include your children.


    • The sand may be a variety of colors for each person. Each person will have his own color of sand to add to the bride and groom's sand in the vase.


Tags: sand ceremony, wedding sand, wedding sand ceremony, bride groom, into vase